One idea that we had to address this epidemic of gun violence was to work with existing groups that already had ideas, and elaborate on them. We worked with Harlem Mothers S.A.V.E., an organization that already had an idea for stopping the illegal gun pipeline in their neighborhood by working with the police to watch…
Interview with Karen Y Bitar – Former Kings County Prosecutor
by Will
Martin Luther King Assembly 1/20
by Will

On January 20th, Louie and I spoke at the Martin Luther King Assembly about gun violence prevention. Before everyone saw us, Louie and I were approached by Ana, our principal, to present at this assembly. We spent about a week prepping a presentation, a speaker and a video clip. We worked really hard on the…
Meeting with Jackie Rowe-Adams, founder of Harlem Mothers S.A.V.E. 1/12
by Will

On January 12th, my group and I went to 306 West 128th Street to meet with Jackie Rowe-Adams, founder of Harlem Mothers S.A.V.E., which is an organization that helps families of victims of gun violence. It is considered to be one of the most prolific gun violence prevention organizations in the whole of New York…
Joseph Blocher Interview 1/4/16
by Will
In our first fieldwork of 2016, we didn’t exactly do a fieldwork. We had an interview with the professor of law at Duke University, Joseph Blocher. We called at first at 1:58, 2 minutes before we were scheduled to call him. He did not pick up the first time. We then tried him a second…
NYAGV Meeting 11/18/15
by Will

On November 18, my group and I walked to the New Yorkers Against Gun Violence offices on Lafayette St. The offices were in a old firehouse, on the 3rd floor. The offices were fairly small and empty. There were about 5 people in the office. We were immediately greeted by Leah Gunn Barrett, the Director…
Volunteering with Everytown America 11/13/15
by Will
Donna Dees Interview
by Will

On November 11, my group and I were scheduled to meet with Donna Dees, the founder of Million Mom March, a gun violence prevention organization that was founded in 2000 after the Granada Hills shooting. Dees and her team rallied for a march on Washington DC against gun violence. We met at 10:00 am at…
Living for 32 Gun Violence Prevention Movie
by Will

On November 2nd, my group and I watched a documentary titled Living for 32, directed by Colin Goddard, one of the survivors of the Virgina Tech shooting. Colin Goddard works with the Brady Campaign currently, preventing gun violence around the country. He was in a French class on the fateful day of April 16, 2007.…