
My name is Tallulah. I am an eight grader at LIttle red school house. This year we are focusing on civil rights issue. My group is focusing on women in the media. We picked topics that we felt was important.

We are More than Just an Image- Share

I learned to be aware of this issue and if I see an ad on the street or in a magazine. I learned to notice the hidden messages in ads. I also learned to aware people of this problem even if the social justice teach-in is over. My group and I learned how to aware…

Our Visit to MMC.

Last week, my group and I went to an organization called MMC. MMC stands for Marina Maher Communications. It is a marketing firm located in midtown east. It was a very interesting field trip because it really advanced what we have been learning about how women are portrayed in the media. At MMC, we learned…

Interveiw With Reilly Chaffin

On Friday, December 11th, my group video chatted a former model named Reilly  Chaffin. We began by asking her how she got into the modeling business and why she stopped. We asked her questions about the pressures of modeling and how she had to look in order to get work or be successful. Reilly  described…

Paley Center For Media

On Monday, November16th, my group and I went to the Paley Center for Media. A women named Caroline took us in to a small auditorium room. First she told us a little about the history of the Paley Center and then what the Paley Center does. Then she started talking to us about our topics…

Beauty Culture

Me and my group watched a documentary called Beauty Culture. It was a about how society thought women should act and how they should look. It examined how society impacts young girls to think that they should be pretty in a certain way and that they should have a certain body and be thin. In…