After going on fieldworks for the DO stage, we needed to share our work to inspire others. We learned that if you feel that something is wrong in the world, you can’t for others to make the change. You have to make the change yourself. In the beginning of the social justice project, we were…
Interview with Anthony Rogers-Wright
by Ming

On January 26, 2015, my group had an interview with Anthony Rogers-Wright. We first saw Anthony on our first fieldwork at Patagonia’s screening “This Changes Everything.” We thought he was a very interesting and powerful speaker so we decided to contact him. Once we go in touch with Anthony we set up and interview at…
Climate Rally in Albany
by Ming

On Wednesday, January 13th, both climate change groups went to Albany to go to a climate rally and march. All of us (Ming, Jane, Maisy, Graham, Michelle, Ciro, Brianna, Scott and Danny) met at a Starbucks near the bus station at 6:30am at around 6:45am two of our group members were running late so the CCC group decided to…
Beyond Coal Campaign Rally
by Ming
Interview With Brian Torres
by Ming

On November 23, my group and I met with a man named Brian Torres. Brian is currently a climate change activist who is creating a documentary called “El Nevado.” He interviews young people and asks them about their thoughts on climate change. Brian visited our school before the interview. During the interview Brian explained that…
The New School Youth Climate Change Confrence
by Ming

On Thursday, November 19th my group went to the New School. I met Jane, Graham and Maisy at the school. A woman was talking about how climate change is affecting people in poverty the most. After that woman spoke, another woman introduced a few kids who are involved in climate change. One boy named Jefferson…