Throughout our project we hoped to learn what we could do to help the climate and how we can prevent climate change. We chose this problem because we recognized that climate change affects us all, and that it is a huge threat that we need to fix. While on our fieldwork, we heard many stories…
Climate March at City Hall
by Maisy
On Sunday, 11/29, my group and I met up and went down to city hall for a climate march. We arrived with signs to hold up during the march. We quickly met up with Brian Torres, who is making a documentary on climate change. He filmed us as we marched. The march actually started shortly…
Interview With Brian Torres
by Maisy
We recently met with and interviewed Brian Torres about his documentary on climate change. He originally came to our school to present his work, and we contacted him later to talk more. His documentary, El Nevado is about climate change and how kids are involved and how they are or are not educated on the…
Interview With Daniel Sherrell
by Maisy
We recently met with Daniel Sherrell, to talk about climate change, in which he is working to change. He is a member of the Sierra Club, an environmental group. We listened to him speak at the Patagonia screening of This Changes Everything a little while ago. We also recently went to a rally and press…
City Hall Rally and Press Conference on Stopping Coal Bailouts
by Maisy
We recently went to a rally and press conference at City Hall to stop coal bailouts. It was a really great experience, we got to learn a lot about the coal industry and how awful it is, and we also got to hear from some people involved in stopping coal bailouts. We arrived at the…
The New School- Youth Climate Change Event
by Maisy

On November 19th, our group went to The New School for a press conference on Youth participation in Climate Change. On the panel were five middle school to college age students, who have made a difference and are continuing to work on changing a topic within climate change. It was really interesting to get to…
‘This Changes Everything’ Movie Screening at Patagonia
by Maisy

On Wednesday, November 11th, our group went to the SoHo Patagonia Store for a press conference and showing of the documentary film, This Changes Everything. Once the event started, a few representatives of different climate change and environmental improvement groups and projects spoke about what they were working on. We learned about the South Bronx,…