In the do stage we went on many fieldwork to learn what it felt like to take action. We contacted organizations such as the beyond coal Campain, the Sierra club, El Nevado and many more. We went as far as Albany, New York and as close as an LREI classroom. No matter had far away…
Interview with Gabriel Mendez, Director of El Nevado
by Jane

Our interview with Gabriel Mendez was more beneficial to him and El Nevado than to us. We were originally going to be interviewed by Brian Torres but he couldn’t make it. He interviewed us on our views on climate change and how we think it will effect us. These questions and our answers will probably…
by Jane
Climate change march (around city hall) 11/29/15
by Jane
Interview with Daniel Sherrell (beyond coal campaign)
by Jane

Daniel Sherrell is the head organizer in New York for the Sierra club. Our interview with Daniel Sherrell went very well. We asked Dan about how he got into working with the Beyond Coal Campaign and be basically told us how he got started with climate change. His father partly worked in Antarctica and throughout the…
Interview with Brian Torres
by Jane
Interview with Brian Torres. Although we had to reschedule this interview on a very short notice it was a very successful interview for our group. We rescheduled this interview multiple times because of in-convince, but the day of we had to reschedule again because of a mandarin presentation. This lead us to realize we need…
Beyond Coal Campaign Rally: City Hall
by Jane

We went to a rally at city hall organized by the beyond coal campaign. Although we had emailed Daniel Sherrell many times before this about a possible interview we finally talked to him in person when we met him. Daniel Sherrell is the New York organizer for the Sierra club. Graham stood in front with…
New School: Climate change, cities and youth engagement 11/19/15
by Jane

We visited the new school on November 19, 2015. Although when we had first decided to RSVP to this event we thought that it would be an ordinary press conference on climate change and getting involved, when we arrived we were surprised to see the conference was specifically about youth engagement. This was very good…
This changes everything: movie showing and press conference at Patagonia 11/11/15
by Jane

On Wednesday November 11 we went to the movie showing of “This Changes Everything”. We met at the school at 5:45 and then walked to the Soho Patagonia store and arrived a little before 6:00. At the showing there were about four speakers and many different organizations and campaigns were recognized. Some of these groups…