We heard about a climate change and oil pipeline rally in Albany and we of course wanted to go. We joined together with the environment group in the other class and we worked to set up a way for us to go. We ended up getting on a bus to Albany at 6:45 in the…
Gowanus Canal Conservancy – Compost and Gardening
by Ciro
We met up with a GCC member, Micheal Wasserman, at a Brooklyn compost headquarters. We collected a garbage bag, a recycling bag, gardening tools and a cart to put it all in. We walked all together to a large avenue on which there are community gardening boxes. The problem was, however, that very few of…
Design for Change – Imagine – Don’t Waste Your Waste : Create
by Ciro
Imagine We had many extreme ideas that we felt if executed correctly could solve our issues with climate change and general pollution in the earth. We thought that to entirely take out plastic as a possible material would be a good start because it would reduce the amount of stuff in general being made, due…
Billion Oyster Project Work
by Ciro
We visited the billion oyster project as a fieldwork to help them in the process of cleaning the oyster shells that will be used in the future. The shells that we cleaned were from various restaurants and oyster related places around the city that need to get rid of oyster shells. The shells are brought back…
Idlewild Park Wetland Cleanup
by Ciro
We met at Idlewild Park with the park services and we also met Micheal Wassermann from the Gowanus Canal Conservancy group unintentionally. We had not talked to anyone in specific, we just happened across the Cleanup and decided that it would be great to participate. We learned a bit about just how much trash there…
“Racing Extinction” – Ciro
by Ciro
We watched a film called “Racing Extinction” about how humans are exterminating many animal species and that we are doing very little to stop it from happening. It talked about many different species but it mostly focused on Manta Rays. It explained how Manta Rays are hunted in many rural towns in Indonesia. The mantas are…
Gowanus Conservancy 3rd & 3rd Garden Cleanup – Ciro
by Ciro

For this fieldwork, we met up with a man named Michael Wasserman who works with the Gowanus Conservancy against the pollution in Brooklyn. We took the subway to 4th avenue and walked a couple of blocks. We then proceeded to enter the Whole Foods building where we found out that we had made a mistake…
by Ciro