This February my Social Justice group and I FaceTimed a woman named Annie J. Gardner She attends Dartmouth College is the President of her Sorority, Sigma Delta. Usually, college parties are held at frat houses, but Annie and her sorority recently opened their house to parties in order to address the issue of rape on campus. We spoke…
Interview with Marybeth Seitz-Brown from SAFER, 1-29-15
by Florence Finkelstein
In January, two members of my Social Justice group and I met with the founder of SAFER organization, activist and speaker Marybeth Seitz Brown. SAFER is an organization that empowers students to hold their universities accountable for having strong campus sexual assault policies and programming. They hold workshops and seminars on the dangers of campus rape,…
Interview with Anna, 10-2-14
by Florence Finkelstein
This December, my Social Justice group and I met with Anna, an LREI Alum and rape survivor. We met her for coffee and had an extremely interesting interview. Anna was a freshman at Hobart University when she was sexually assaulted by multiple collage football players. She immediately wanted to speak out about her experience and…
Lecture at New York University: Rethinking Sexual Violence, 11-10-14
by Florence Finkelstein
Myself and my Social Justice group recently attended a lecture at New York University where people three inspirational women pondered the question, “How Might Shakespeare’s poem “The Rape of Lucrece” and talk about the current conversations about “rape culture” on collage campuses.” The three women who spoke were New York Magazine Journalist Vanessa Grigoriadis (whom…
End Rape Rally at Colombia University, 10-29-14
by Florence Finkelstein
n October 29th, myself and my social justice group attended a student held rally at Colombia University. It was led by a handful of rape and sexual assault survivors who wanted to bring awareness to the topic and make a difference. Around 175 students, faculty, reporters, survivors and ordinary pedestrians attended the event with pillows…