Very Young Girls is a movie that was directed by David Schisgall. Very Young Girls is a movie that goes inside the lives of sex trafficking victims. We were able to hear their stories. It was one of the most moving movies I have seen. My group and I really wanted to hear the stories of…
Sanctuary For Families Second Visit
by 19celiab
Going to Sanctuary for Families for a second time was so much fun. We were so glad they gave us the opportunity to come back. When we came back we worked in the Butterfly Boutique again. We helped organize the boutique and organize storage. After that we helped out in the lobby. We helped victims…
Interview With Peggy Kern
by 19celiab
Peggy Kern is the author of an amazing book called Little Peach. My group and I were lucky enough to read the book and then later on have an interview with Peggy. Before the interview my group and I read her book. It was absolutely amazing. The book is about a girl named Michelle who…
Sister Mary O’Boyle’s Presentation to The Class
by 19celiab
After meeting with sister Mary Ellen O’Boyle for an interview, she agreed to come and speak with the class. She gave a great presentation about sexual trafficking. During the presentation she explained to the class what sexual trafficking is, who it affects, what it looks like, and where it takes place. Sister Mary was very…
Volunteering at Sanctuary For Families
by 19celiab
On November 12, my group and I visited Sanctuary for Families. Sanctuary for Families is a non profit organization that offers facilities for victims of human trafficking. Sanctuary for Families offers facilities in over thirty languages. My group and I were lucky enough to meet with one of their staff members, Lauren Hindle. Lauren was…
Meeting With Sister Mary Ellen O’Boyle
by 19celiab

The meeting with Sister Mary O’Boyle was my group’s first social justice fieldwork. My group didn’t have any experience on how to interview someone so she helped us learn the ropes on how to be respectful and attentive during an interview. Sister Mary was lovely and made my group and I feel comfortable. Not only…