On Thursday we met with the green burger center. A we met wth Cheryll Roberts and talked about juvenile incarceration. We had a good time and learned a lot. I learned that Juvenile Incarceration effects minorities more often. I also learned that mental health services in juvenile prison is horrible or non existent. Most…
Talking with Steve Liss
by 19beckettm
Steve Liss is a photographer and activist who has photographed juvenile offenders and been a major social justice activist. He taught us how the juvenile correctional system is one that hurts, not helps the youth incarcerated. The United States spend 6 billion dollars on the juvenile justice system. 200,000 juveniles are sentenced each year as…
Interview with Ismael Nazario
by 19beckettm
You’re 16. You’re alone. You’re afraid. You’re confined to a cold, wet six-by-eight cell with low lights. This is what former juvenile offender Ismael Nazario experienced during his stay at the Rikers Island Correctional Facility. For a petty theft, he received a lengthy sentence at Rikers. In addition to that, he was brought back…
Presentation at the PAC
by 19beckettm

Presentation at the PACThis is our second field work. Last Tuesday was spent in the LREI High School PAC, listening to a panel of incarceration experts discuss incarceration in america. This was our second field work and we learned a lot. The main speaker was Mr. Green burger, an LREI parent and a person who…