
POTS, 1/27/14

Part if the Solution, we met with the head chef Keith during morning prepOn Monday the 27th our group visited POTS or Part of the Solution. POTS is a soup kitchen in the Bronx that everyday gives out healthy hot meals for anyone who needs them. I saw for anyone because the people that came…

Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, 12/16/14

We met with the director of the Soup Kitchen, 12/16/14 Our group went the the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen from 9:00-1:00 to help out with whatever the Soup Kitchen needed volunteers for. The rest of the group bused tables after people were done eating while I wrapped spoons in napkins. The goal of this fieldwork…

Coalition for the Homeless

We spoke with Marisa and Avonna, on 12/5/13 Coalition for the Homeless is a organization that helps people from financial aid, to helping people get food and off the streets, to helping women who were homeless due to sexual violence find their voice. When we visited them we got a tour, we helped them get…

Producer of Poor Kids, Ms. Lauren Mucciolo

Ms. Lauren Mucciolo speaks to 8th grade, 12/2/13Ms. Lauren Mucciolo came to speak to our grade about her documentary, and the information in it. The goal of this fieldwork was to educate the grade about the issue this movie addressed, which was the hardships facing children in poverty. I feel that we did accomplish the…

Phone Conference with Yang Jiang

We interviewed Dr. Yang Jiang who is the Senior Research Associate, Demography for the NCCP. She gave us a lot of information about child poverty and homelessness. We learned a lot about how child poverty has changed over the years and also about how adult poverty has changed. Ms. Jiang also educated us on food…

St. Johns Food Pantry

St. Johns Food Pantry, Mr. Joe Picket, 11/12/13 Our group went to St. John’s Food Pantry on Tuesday to help the pantry be ready for the people to come the next day. Wednesday’s is when people come to get their groceries from the pantry. When we visited our goal was to help out with the…

Conference at the U.N.

United Nations Conference on Extreme Poverty, 10/17/13, Participated in a talk about extreme poverty all over the world.This fieldwork visit was to a conference in the U.N. This conference was about poverty, and that it still exists in the world. The goal of the visit was to learn more about our topic, and this went…