
The Apostles Holy Soup Kitchen 12/16/13:

Today we started the day off by having our normal classes until 9:00 am. When it was time to go to the Apostles Church we got our stuff and headed to the train. We took the A, I think to 23rd street and then walked to 25th and 9th ave. When we found the building…

Lauren Mucciolo Coming in to Speak With the Class 12/2/13:

    Before we left for Thanksgiving weekend I contacted a lady named Lauren Mucciolo who came in last year to speak to the class about the movie she had recently filmed. Last year in 2012 Lauren produced a movie called “Poor Kids” that was from the perspective of 3 families. So what we wanted…

Conference Call with Yang Jiang 11/14/13:

For our second fieldwork we arranged a conference call with a lady named Yang Jiang to talk to us about what she does for the National Center for Children in Poverty. Yang Jiang works at Columbia University, but also works as someone who analysis the information the NCCP receives. It really all started when we…

St. John’s Food Pantry 11/12/2013:

  For our second field work we went to St. John’s Food Pantry. We got their as a group and met up with the leader of the program Joe Spicket. Joe Spicket is a man who has been running this food pantry for a long time and is someone who buys all the food for…