Information from Natasia Siberda at Gowanus Canal

On Saturday, November 16th, we went to the Gowanus Canal and had a meeting with Natasia Siberda. She is one of the organizers of the Gowanus Canal Organization. We came to a clean-up. Unfortunately we were not able to volunteer so we just observed and asked question. She explained that the 2 main sources for the polluted water is historical corporations such as gas, coal, plants, soap, and paint and also lots of current pollution sewage. 400 million gallons of sewage every eat enter canal and parts of locked up sewage are dangerous and cancerous. They were building gardens and getting beehives to create more wildlife in the area. Also they got many volunteers and were cleaning up the canal. The production manager is EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. Cleaning up the canal will take 10 years and will be along process of a lot of work. They have volunteer clean-ups every month. Natasia offered to possible host a private event to bring our class to the canal and help clean it up. We would love to get more involved and help even more.


I attend school at LREI and I'm in the 8th grade. I'm in the Environment social justice group. I am very interested in corporate pollution and helping the environment in any way I can. I hope to make a difference in the environment. 

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