Body image and Social media Presentation

Name: Olivia Basile

Social Justice Group: 2021-2022, Body Image and Social Media

Date of Fieldwork: January 27, 2022

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):My social justice group

Type of Fieldwork: SJ presentation

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork?[:: :

This week I will present with my social justice group, about our topic. We had read a few articals about the affects of body image on social media. Im very interested in my topic so I would love to share what I know with my classmates. I canyt wait to learn more about this topic and issue.

Olivia Basile

Olivia Basile is a student in the 8th grade at LREI. She loves to bike ride, and hanging out with her friends. She was born and raised in New York City and lives in Manhattan. Her social justice topic is body image and social media. She is very passionate about her project because, she is on social media and has experienced the affects it has on people. 


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