Sexual Harassment and Assault Presentation

Name: Sarah Mehl

Social Justice Group: 2021-2022, Street and Workplace Harassment

Date of Fieldwork: January 20, 2022

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):My Social Justice Group

Type of Fieldwork: SJ Presentation

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork?[:: :

On Thursday, I presented with my social justice group about our topic. We had read a few articles on the issue of sexual harassment and assault. I was excited to share because I was proud of our research. My group did a good job on presenting and showing the severity of the facts we had found.

In the presentation, I shared the following personal reaction, “It’s important to me as someone who has been harassed on the street. I am also in multiple targeted demographics. This is a global issue. These alarming statistics aren’t as alarming when I think about all the stories I’ve heard and all I’ve seen in 14 years living in New York City.”

Sam Mehl

Sam Mehl (he/him) is an eighth grade student at LREI. In his free time, Sammy enjoys reading Stephen King books and debating court cases. He is very passionate about sexual assault issues. 


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