Name: CC Cunningham
Social Justice Group: Women and Reproductive Rights
Date of Fieldwork: January 28, 2021
Name of Organization:
Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Alison Jacobson, CEO of First Candle
Type of Fieldwork: Interview
What I did:
What I learned:
What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:
We discussed the incredibly high numbers in infant deaths and mother’s deaths not only during the birthing process, but the one year postpartum. Many infants die due to sleeping in bed with their mother, which is culturally something that is widely spread; to keep your baby close is to keep it safe. unfortunately that’s not the case and this can cause SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Teaching mothers things like these could be the difference between life and death for their babies. We also discussed how Maternal health is not a priority in our country. It is one of the most dangerous to give birth, and they lack many benefits that other countries give. For example, in many European countries women have 6 months after giving birth for maternity leave. (paid leave from their job to take care of their baby.) Women in the US generally have around 12 weeks. In this time not only can a women’s body barely recover, but it’s an essential time to be with your newborn. Time might be even shorter depending on the state or job. We also do not have home visits, women are not visited at home multiple times by an expert for a check in. If this was covered by medicaid that would be better and safer. Douala’s are also unfortunately a privilege to have today, and many doctors and nurses unfortunately do not listen to patients when they say that they are experiencing pain. Overall a great experience to be able to talk to Alison, and we are following up about opportunities for volunteering and staying connected with the organization.