Conference at the U.N.

United Nations Conference on Extreme Poverty, 10/17/13, Participated in a talk about extreme poverty all over the world.

This fieldwork visit was to a conference in the U.N. This conference was about poverty, and that it still exists in the world. The goal of the visit was to learn more about our topic, and this went well. Our group learned a lot about poverty not only in NYC but in many places in the world. I learned a lot from this visit including about people who live in shelters, extreme poverty, and homeless people. There was a girl in ninth grade that came to speak at the conference, and she spoke about how hard it was for her to go to school and live in a shelter. It was truly a big battle that she was fighting, she explained how hard it was for her to make friends because of her living condition. She said how once she got close enough to someone to tell them she lived in a shelter, they never acted the same towards her. This story impacted me the most and I learned so much just from it. It made poverty feel real. It made it so I knew there was something I wanted to do about this. Another way this visit impacted our group as a whole was that this visit got our group very excited for future field works, and it got us more invested in our topic. We learned a lot from this visit to the U.N. and we are even more prepared for the next fieldwork.  I too am excited for our group, and I got to be more interested in our topic. Now that I know more about our topic it is getting easier to get the courage to call and email organizations. During this visit I think that I did a good job listening and taking mental notes on what the speakers were speaking about. I was very interested in what they had to say therefore I payed attention and I learned a lot about extreme poverty. For the next field work I want to make sure I am better at taking actual notes, and thinking about questions I might have from the visit. I want to take notes so that I remember what happened during the visit, and so that I remember to information I got.

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