Billion Oyster Project 12/5/2017
The Billion Oyster Project’s mission is to put a billion oysters in the Hudson River. Oysters filter water so putting oysters in the river make it filtered and therefore cleaner. We met with Robina Taliaferrow who works at the Billion Oyster Project and we got a tour and got to watch a video about what they did and then we helped them do inventory. We went down to the dock and they had large trap like containers that had oysters in them. We helped people who do this for a living do inventory and it was really interesting to see how they do everything. We had to go through them and count to alive ones and the dead ones. Sometimes there were also fish, crabs and water bugs. We wrote down how many of each thing there were. We learned about their mission and how they educate children about everything they do. I learned a lot and I’m glad we went. Oysters can filter water so if we can put a bunch of oysters in the river it can easily get filtered. This fieldwork was one of our most connected to our topic and I think it’s are best one.