On January 27th, 2016, we went to interview Karen Y. Bitar. Ms. Bitar was a former Kings County prosecutor. When our group first contacted her, we were originally going to do this interview over the phone, but we decided to go to her office, as we had another fieldwork on the same day in the same building. We left school around 12:45, and got on the A train. When we arrived at the station, I knew exactly where to go because we were, in a way, going to my mom’s office. We first stopped at my mom’s office to drop off our bags. Then, we went up a floor and went to the Times Square conference room. Karen was waiting for us. Then, the interview started. We talked to her for about 35-40 minutes about her previous career, what she thinks that our nation can do and how she thinks that civilians can fix it. It was really nice talking to her about all of that. I think that one thing that my group did well was asking a lot of good questions. Next time, I think it would have been better to preload the questions, as we were having a tough time pulling them up. Overall, it was a great fieldwork.