Interview with Tanya Wexler 1/20/16

On Wednesday, January 20th (2016) my group and I interviewed a female Indie film director. We talked to Tanya about a lot of statistics. Like how only 9% of directors in the U.S. are women. This fact really surprised us. Tanya’s most well-known independent film that she directed was Hysteria. Tanya came out of college wanting to be an actress. She was trying to find roles and then decided to write a short skit for herself to act out. She gave it to her friends who read it over. They loved it but they told her the stage notes she put in were the directors job. Tanya wrote a few more short skits and included the stage notes again. She then realized that she was good at stage direction and decided to become a director. Tanya told us a story about how she was going for a job directing for a big action blockbuster but she didn’t get it. Someone later told her that one of the people deciding who got the job only said no because he thought a man would be more capable of directing an action movie. She also had a twitter dispute with Colin Trevorrow (the director of Jurassic World) who wrote that women don’t want to direct movies that involve superheroes and action and dinosaurs. (Here is the dispute) – Click here


My name is Skyler Pierce-Scher and it am an eighth grader at LREI: Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School. My social justice project is the sexualization of women in the work place. I chose this topic because I want to bring justice to the women stuck below the glass ceiling. caucasian women make 75 cents to a white mans dollar and a black woman makes 64 cents to a white mans dollar for the same job. Their are very few women CEO's or women that own a business. This is not right. 

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