Lisa Busillo is an anesthesiologist, someone who puts someone to sleep during surgery, and has been working as one for 20 years. My group members and I wants to talk to different women in the workforce that has a job that is stereotyped as a mans job. We met Lisa at the Coffee Bean on January 15th and we talked about her being a women and a doctor. She made a lot of good points while we were interviewing her. Women are treated differently then men and people think that women aren’t as capable then men, and that they are stronger and can take on more, than women. Lisa never doubted herself of being a doctor, she never even thought of the idea of being a women trying to become a doctor. She said she trained at a good place and while she was being interviewed she didn’t feel like there was competition. While Lisa was in Med school she didn’t have any male friends and 99% went onto becoming doctors. She was also taking about her husband and how they split the job of taking care of their children while they are both working as doctors. Lisa has 3 kids, she said she had to work a lot less to take care of her children, but later when they got older she worked more hours. Majority of women don’t have kids and aren’t married because they want to focus more on the medicine. Some want kids but didn’t work out because they had to work hours a week. Lisa said that she worked for a 12 hour day but she’s not busy all day, her work in Long Island day starts at 6:45 and ends at 4:30-6:30.