“When I Came Home” Class Movie Screening

On January 29th, my group and I screened “When I Came Home” the documentary by Dan Lohuas to the rest of our class with the hopes of having an insightful discussion and helping our classmates realize what an important and overlooked topic this is. We screened it for about 20 minutes before we stopped it and began talking. Unfortuantly, we didn’t have an amazing discussion because our classmates weren’t really asking questiosn or even talking about things they thought. However, people still commented on how they thought this topic is overlooked and how the felt sympathy for those veterans in the movie.


I am an 8th grader at LREI, and I'm part of the Social Justice group known as "Fighters for Fighters". We are a group of four eighth graders who are passionate about helping our returning troops and heroes who have been forgotten and fallen into poverty and homelessness. I have always been someone who got very sad thinking about those who are homelessness , but homeless veterans really touched me. I find it unfair how these men and women risked their lives for us and we don't even repay them when they return mentally, emotionally, and physically, and I really hope my group and I can really make a difference. 

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