On November 14, I had a social justice interview with three women who work at an organization called Prevent Child Abuse. My group asked them questions about child abuse and the organization they work for, then they put on a puppet show that they show to third graders, mostly in public schools. The goal of my field work visit was to find more information about child abuse so my group can focus our topic on something more specific. We also wanted to see how the organization PAC taught young students about child abuse using puppets. There is so much more to learn but I would like to know how people who work with abused children keep their minds clear and positive, I noticed that the women we interviewed looked so positive but they we talking about such a negative subject. I would like my group to focus on child a use in public places such as school, jail, etc, I think it would benefit us because it is hard to get involved in personal issues but it is much easier to make a change in public place. It was very interesting to see how puppets could be helpful to all to children because little kids don’t want to listen to adults talk about abuse they want to here it from someone their own age. Next my group world like to do a field work to a court house and talk to lawyers who work of child abuse and neglect cases.