Recently, on January Ninth, Sebbi, Gail, and I Interviewed Rebecca Olschner. Rebecca Olschner is a member of the Death Penalty Project and works to help people on death row. The Death penalty Project provides free legal representation, They public research and publish articles on their website to start debates about cases and much more. We asked her about her credentials and she told us that she recently started working for the Death Penalty Project at least 30 years ago. Rebecca believes that young people should care about the death penalty because its a cruel and degrading punishment that doesn’t have a place in a the justice system and because no system is immune to making mistakes and The Death Penalty Project works to help make the criminal justice system safer.
Rebecca believes that there is a gender/racial disparity in the criminal Justice system that can affect the outcome of the defendants verdict and most of the people facing the death penalty are poor people that come from poor backgrounds. Along with the biases in the criminal Justice system, this can cause many people to be wrongfully convicted. Overall, I thought this was a super informative interview and a great first field work for my teammates and I