My Trip to the United Nations

My Trip to the United Nations






On January 12th, 2024, the 8th Grade (including me) took a field trip to the United Nations. At the UN, we got to see many different artifacts and gifts from other countries. My favorite gift was gifted by Thailand and was called, the “Royal Thai Barge”.

Apart from the gifts, we got to enter many different rooms that hold extensive history. The most notable being the United Nations General Assembly Hall. On the way to a lot of these rooms, we talked about world issues like Sustainability on our Planet. Seeing a place where all countries are United together in times like these was incredibly inspiring.

Misha Shtender

Hello, my name is Misha Shtender. I go to 8th Grade at LREI Middle School in New York City. I chose my project to be antisemitism because I am extremely passionate on the issue and as a member of the Jewish community, it personally affects me. 

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