Bethany Sousa: Legal Warrior for Planned Parenthood

Name: Esme Klein

Social Justice Group: Women’s Reproductive Rights (B)

Date of Fieldwork: February 6, 2025

Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):Bethany Sousa

What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork:

Vivi and I interviewed Planned Parenthood lawyer Bethany Sousa. We talked a lot about self abortion and abortion access. She told us about the coat hanger abortion. She said it was a procedure where you stick the pointy end of a coat hanger into your uterus without touching the cervix to remove the uterine lining ending the pregnancy. She said it was not a safe method but became an emblem for abortion during years when safe abortion was illegal.

Regarding abortion access, she told us about abortion funding which is when an organization provides money to a person in need of an abortion. She said because of the recent issues with abortion bans the abortion funding is not able to help everyone in need. We also talked a little about how Planned parenthood helped people in need of abortions in abortion banned states. Bethany told us that Planned Parenthood tries to connect the person to abortion funding or a facility nearby.

She was really helpful and is going to give us more patient stories and possibly a volunteering opportunity.

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