Wasted: A Documentary on Food Waste

My group and I watched a documentary about food waste. It was called Wasted. The documentary was about general food waste in the world. The document starts by stating facts about food waste statistics in the world. They get a lot of information from famous chefs around the world. we learned about many things, including the amount of food wasted just from the farms before it even gets to the people. what they said about this was that a lot of food can either go bad while it’s growing due to different circumstances or it could be damaged during the delivery from bruises bugs or other things like mold.

The documentary also showed us a big possible solution that not a lot of people are using: pigs. Pigs will eat almost anything put in front of them if you have ever been to a farm and had to feed pigs leftovers or scraps. They will eat it like others tomorrow. With this being known in a lot of places it’s surprising how many places actually use this method of getting rid of food waste, it’s not a lot. with all of the things we learned from this documentary food waste is a problem can can be dealt with a lot more than people currently are. with all the ways that are cost-efficient and easy the real question turns to why people aren’t doing anything.


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