Name: Mabel Fox
Social Justice Group: Food insecurity in NYC (C)
Date of Fieldwork: January 14, 2025
Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):Food Inc Documentary
What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork:
My group watched a documentary called Food Inc. This was all about processed food, how animals live, and food waste. In this movie we learned a lot. Animals are treated so much worse than we could imagine, People do everything that they can to profit the most of all of the animals. By doing this the animals have terrible living conditions but also the food that seems organic and good for you is really not. People usually go for the organic or less expensive brands of meat, but the brands that are less expensive are usually not good for your health.
Food insecurity is not just access to food but to access to healthy food. When we watched this we learned just how hard finding good food can be. When you look in the supermarket you will see many different kinds of food but in reality they all trace back to three main places. Those three main places are big brands that sell unhealthy processed meats. I found this documentary really upsetting because I learned so much about my food that I eat everyday. It was unsettling to know where it came from but I really enjoyed learning about it, and becoming more educated in this topic.