Name: Esme Klein
Social Justice Group: Women’s Reproductive Rights (B)
Date of Fieldwork: December 19, 2024
Name of Organization and person (people) with whom you met and their title(s):Ava Dawson: Health Director for LREI
What I did and what I learned about my topic, activism, social justice work or civil and human rights work from this fieldwork:
I interviewed Ava Dawson with My partener Vivi. We asked her a series of questions. One of the main questions we asked her was what is your views on women needing abortions or getting them. She said that she believed all women should have the choice and option because you never know what they are going through. A lot of women get Abortions for many reasons including, Rape or assault, unplanned, or underage, and income. Women all over the United Staes are being told what they can do with their own bodies and that is not fair.
In addition to asking her thoughts on the general abortion we asked her why do people in power think they have the right to a different womens body. Ava told us that a lot of it is off of religious belief. A lot of people believe that even if the baby isn’t born yet it is still cruel to quote on quote kill them. Ava also touched on the fact that women believe that because they are also women they should be able to choose for other people. In the end it all ends up tying back to the religious beliefs that it is killing the child. Ava Dawson was a massive help to our studies for our project. We learned so much and it is shocking the more facts we learn.