This afternoon, me and everyone else who has Gun Violence as they social justice topic took time out of our day to join a lunch and lobby ran by a woman named Angela Weber whose son was a survivor of a school shooting. While many of he senators’ phone lines were busy, and so went to voicemail, I was able to get into contact with the senator himself, (as opposed to the secretary or someone whose job is to answer calls for him) which was very exciting, considering this is what Judy Huemann and others did to make real – life change. It felt great to be there because we were actually acting on our topic, rather than just making a presentation or doing research. We also learned a lot from the person running the lunch and lobby, who appeared to be very knowledgeable on the subject, so me and my group might try to contact her and possibly interview her sometime in the future. I enjoyed doing this, and I’m looking forward to doing fieldwork, not just in this format but hands-on too.