Interview with Meredith

On February 10, the Workers Rights Group interviewed Meredith Dank. She is a Research Professor, and directs the Human Exploitation and Resilience initiative of the NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management. She is a worldwide expert on human trafficking, having conducted research in more than a dozen countries across the globe. Meredith has an extensive understanding of our topic and things related to it.

Our group had learned a lot about her travels, investigations and thoughts over this interview. One thing she talked about specifically was her recognizing human traffickers. As an investigator, she can’t intervene herself, but continues to think about hose those instances. We were able to hear how Meredith got into this line of work, and why she cares about these problems.

She had given our group other organizations to contact at the end of the interview, which was very helpful as well. I found Meredith to be very kind, knowledgeable, and helpful to our moving forward. As a group, we learned a lot from her. Thank you, Meredith, for your time and information.

Clyde Condos

Clyde is an eighth grade student at LREI. He was born in New York City, New York. He is in a family of five, with a younger and older brother. His favorite sport is soccer, whether he's playing or watching. He is determined to work with his group mates to learn more about his Topic. Clyde is looking to learn about labor problems and rights around the world, especially the forced labor that creates America's goods. He wants to spread this important information to others, and most importantly, make a difference. 


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