Name: Dash Cosaboom-Son
Social Justice Group: The Criminal Justice System
Date of Fieldwork: January 29, 2021
Name of Organization:
Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Bill Quigley
Type of Fieldwork: Interview
Reflection: This interview was very helpful and efficient, I learned a lot and got a great recording out of it.
What I did: We interviewed Peace activist Bill Quigley about his thoughts on Racism in the Criminal Justice System.
What I learned: I learned about Implicit Bias and why it happens. He also told us about why the Black people, over every other race is targeted more by police and the Criminal Justice System.
What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:
I learned about how important the housing system is and how it targets low income peoplethrough redlining.