Name: Sadie Rose Fraser
Social Justice Group: 2019-2020, Child Hunger & Homelessness
Date of Fieldwork: November 26, 2019
Name of Organization:
Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Professor Brendon O’Flaherty at Columbia Unovercity
Type of Fieldwork: Interview
What I did:
At our field work, we met with Dan O’Flaherty, who is a professor at Columbia University, but he has studied homelessness and written two books on it in the past. We talked to him about many things like how race affects homelessness, the different types of homelessness, and what we can do to help.
What I learned:
I learned a lot from this field work. Some things are, that shelters can be separated by race, because there can be questions of security and comfort for different groups of people. We also learned about the different types of shelters and what they provided. For example emergency shelters only allow people to stay for up to 12 hours, whereas with transitional shelters, you are allowed to stay for anything between 1 week-1 year.
What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:
We learned about different things we can do to make social change. We talked about volunteering, and donating everything we can to try to give back to those in need. We also dove into all of the things that we should be grateful for, because we are very fortunate to have what we do.