Name: Grace MacGillivray
Social Justice Group: 2019-2020, Plastic Pollution
Date of Fieldwork: December 6, 2019
Name of Organization: Riverkeeper
Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Nicholas Mitch who is the FAO Schwarz Family Foundation Fellow
Type of Fieldwork: Interview
What I did:
We had a phone call interview with Nicholas Mitch at Riverkeeper. We learned a lot and possibly set up another fieldwork.
What I learned:
One thing that I learned about our topic was that in 10-20 years, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. Another thing that Nicholas said was plastic pollution is, “an issue that no one can solve alone.”
What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:
Something I learned about social justice work from this fieldwork is that there is a lot to be done with different organizations. Another thing that I learned is that you can’t just go and start cleaning the river. You have to find a spot, ask the city parks if you can work there, get different materials for different objects(such as sharp objects), and you really have to work at it to get the job done.