Interview with Doug Quint

Name: Stella

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, LGBTQIA Youth & Coming Out

Date of Fieldwork: February 11, 2019

Name of Organization: Big Gay Ice Cream

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Doug Quint

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did:

We talked with Doug about how his Ice Cream company got started, why he started it, and why it became so successful.

What I learned:

We didn’t learn a whole lot about our topic, like facts or statistics or anything like that but we did learn why Big Gay Ice Cream is so popular. Doug talked about how when it was just an ice cream truck, people would stop when they saw the name on the truck and giggle or just stare at it because they weren’t used to seeing something like that and it was a way for them to get more business because the name made people more interested in their product. We also asked Doug if he thought Big Gay Ice Cream was so successful because it was started in New York which is sometimes called a bubble of acceptance and he said that the reason it’s successful was because of acceptance but because of people realizing it was called that because it’s fun.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:


Stella Story is an eighth grader at LREI. She believes that every kid should have a safe place to be themselves and equal opportunities regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 


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