Name: Zariel Cruz
Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, LGBTQIA Youth & Coming Out
Date of Fieldwork: January 17, 2019
Name of Organization: We Showed A Slideshow
Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Nobody
Type of Fieldwork: Slideshow
What I did:
We presented a slideshow to middle school meeting about no-name calling week.
What I learned:
We learned about what it takes to put on a slideshow. We had to practice our lines multiple times with each other and to a teacher. We learned how to make sure that our slideshow wasn’t to mature because we were presenting to the whole middle school. Overall we learned how to make and present a slideshow to our school.
What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:
I learned about how much people really care about creating a safe space. Everyone in the audience was very focused and were listening to everything we had to say. Although the kids didn’t say anything to us I could tell by their body language and there focus, that they were interested in what we were saying.