Interview With Chris Woods

Name: Zariel Cruz

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, LGBTQIA Youth & Coming Out

Date of Fieldwork: December 17, 2018

Name of Organization: LGBTQ+ Center At NYU

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: We met with Chris Woods, the director of the LGBTQ+ Center at NYU

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did:

We met with Chris and we talked about terminology, different organizations in NYC for LGBTQIA people. We also talked with him about his mission at you.

What I learned:

I learned a lot about terminology. I learned what everything stood for and what it meant. Chris also shared his information about different places in NYC that specialize in helping the LGBTQIA community. There are many hospitals, schools, restaurants, and groups in NYC that are for this community especially. Chris also shared his life growing up as a gay boy and all the struggles he faced growing up such as bullying, and discrimination.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

I learned that there are still some people in the United States who are discriminated against because of who they are. Trans people are still not allowed to live and dine in certain places because people still don’t accept them. Being an activist for these people is standing up for them and proving that they are nothing wrong with them and that they’re people too.


Zariel Cruz es una estudiante de LREI en la ciudad de Nueva York. A Zariel le encanta escuchar música y probar diferentes comidas. Zariel ha vivido en Nueva York toda su vida. Cuando Zariel crezca, quiere ser escritora. 

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