Workshop at The Paley Center for Media

Name: Ayanna Mitchell

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, Women in the Media

Date of Fieldwork: December 12, 2018

Name of Organization: The Paley Center for Media

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Caroline Quigley

Type of Fieldwork: Workshop

What I did:

We went to Paley Center and watched many clips that were collected from movies, tv shows, and commercials. We had a very good conversation and I feel like I connected to many of the things that were said. I never noticed how much I have in common with people who I thought were not like me at all.

What I learned:

I learned that the issues of body image started a very long time ago. They were always around but in some instances, they were unnoticeable. The issues are getting a little, but very slowly.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

I learned that it is not easy to create change, and when you do it will come slowly. When you do though, it is worth the work and effort. it takes many steps, a lot of research and work.

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