Webinar with Jacaranda Health + Every Mother Counts

Name: Anna Veronis

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019, Women: Maternal Health

Date of Fieldwork: November 29, 2018

Name of Organization: Every Mother Counts + Jacaranda Health

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Melissa Gradilla, and Jessica Bowers

Type of Fieldwork: Webinar

What I did:

Our group visited the Every Mother Counts, a non-profit organization focusing on maternal health. We sat in on a webinar, where EMC conversed with Jacaranda health about a partnership. During this we learned about what Jacaranda health does for Pregnant and post-natal womxm in Kenya Africa.

What I learned:

During this experience we learned about the differences in maternal health care throughout the world. We learned about how different Kenya is than America and how we are so lucky to have access to these simple necessities. Our group also learned about an amazing organization called Jacaranda health that is doing a lot of great work around person-centered care quality measurement. The organization has developed a quality maternity care dashboard, an SMS texting program, and a provider performance measurements.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Through this fieldwork I learned that there are so many differences in maternal health care around the world. I learned how unfair it is that different people get treated differently in the same circumstances, like pregnancy. I also learned how lucky we are to be able to have amazing access to important things and people that not everybody has, for example, doctors, specific nutritional diets, medicine, and so much more.

Anna Veronis

Anna Veronis, was born in NYC in 2005, she is an eighth grade student at LREI in the Greenwich village. Anna is passionate about equal maternal health for all and is determined to make world wide change. 


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