Lift Every Vote

Name: Stella

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019

Date of Fieldwork: October 1, 2018

Name of Organization: Lift Every Vote

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Molly Harris, Briget Olsen

Type of Fieldwork: Direct Action

What I did:

We wrote postcards to residents in Duval County, Florida and Pasco County, Florida who voted to get Amendment four on the ballot to remind them to vote. We had a list of addresses and names and put a personal message on each postcard.

What I learned:

Ex-felons can’t vote in elections even if they have served their time. Amendment four will still prevent muderers and sexual abusers from voting but if it passes a huge number of Florida residents will be allowed to vote again.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Sometimes it’s not about changing people’s minds, it’s about making sure the people who believe in something take a stand. We were writing postcards to people who did vote to get amendment four on the ballot instead of trying to change people who are against Amendment four being on the ballot. I went campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio before the 2016 election and we were given a list of names of registered democrats and we went to their houses and knocked on their doors and gave them a piece of paper with information on early voting and their polling place so that they could go and vote. We weren’t trying to make Trump supporters or Third Party supporters vote for Hillary we were just making sure that people would go vote.


Stella Story is an eighth grader at LREI. She believes that every kid should have a safe place to be themselves and equal opportunities regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 

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