Postcards for Florida

Name: Sophia

Social Justice Group: 2018-2019

Date of Fieldwork: October 1, 2018

Name of Organization: Lift Every Vote

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Molly Harris, Bridgette Olsen

Type of Fieldwork: Direct Action

What I did:

We made postcards and sent them out to people who live in two counties in Florida. We sent out cards telling people when they can vote for amendment 4 and why the need to

What I learned:

I learned that felons and ex-felons aren’t allowed to vote, and if they were then it would mean Hillary would probably be the president rather than Trump. This organization is trying to give ex-felons (Besides murderers or sexual offenders) voting rights again.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Social Justice requires a lot of work, and even the smallest things like sending postcards count as social justice and fieldwork


Sophia is an 8th grader at LREI, working on a social justice project about LGBTQ+ Youth and coming out. 

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