CityMeals On Wheels #2

Name: Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum

Social Justice Group: The Rights of the Elderly

Date of Fieldwork: December 21, 2018

Name of Organization: CityMeals on Wheels

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Various Elders

Type of Fieldwork: Direct Action

What I did:

Our second trip to CityMeals on Wheels was much the same. The only different thing was, we met with different seniors. For example, we met a 101-year-old, blind man. He had just lost his wife, but still had a faint smile and loved telling us a story or two.

What I learned:

On this second trip, we relearned what we had first learned during the previous trip. The DFTA doesn’t provide food to homebound seniors during the weekends, holidays or storms, so CityMeals On Wheels does it for them. DFTA is Department For The Aging

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

*Please look at the previous CityMeals On Wheels post (not a lot to repeat).


My name is Benjamin. I am interested in the topic: Rights of The Elderly because most of us will become a senior in our lives, and we will want more rights; if we will want rights then, we should fight for them now, when we have a voice and a chance to. 

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