Eating Croissants with ESPN’s Max Kellerman

Name: Kate Borows-Lai

Social Justice Group: Sports and Equality

Date of Fieldwork: February 13, 2018

Name of Organization: ESPN

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Max Kellerman, boxing commentator

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did:

We interviewed First Take‘s Max Kellerman about his opinions on our topic.

What I learned:

We learned that ESPN is a very opening and welcoming network (at least that’s what Mr. Kellerman thinks). They can’t keep the fans from using homophobic slurs, but ESPN commentators are for the most part very liberal and actually insult Trump while relating it to sports. He thinks that the issue with women not getting enough publicity in sports is a cycle and that’s why it’s been so hard for the women’s international soccer team to fight it and escape it.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

I learned that equality really does mean EVERYONE, which also includes every political opinion. That means that Republican voices should be included as well to make ESPN an equal network where everyone’s ideas are represented. Sadly, that also means that homophobic voices have to be endured also.


Hi, I'm Kate! I'm part of the equality in sports social justice group. Our goal is to help create and maintain a society where everyone can be an athlete. Even though I'm not an athlete myself, throughout this project I have learned that sports help keep you fit, raise focus, build teamwork skills, and (obviously) allow you to have fun. Everyone should be able to experience this, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or anything else. 


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