Speaking With Someone Experienced.

Name: Hudson Kassen

Social Justice Group: Refugees

Date of Fieldwork: January 22, 2018

Name of Organization:

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Bill Bailey, Abdulla, Mahmoud

Type of Fieldwork: Interview

What I did:

We spoke with two refugees who were helped to get here and resettle by the church where Bill volunteers.

What I learned:

They told us about how they got here and how they resettled. They told us that it was hard being here at the beginning because you don’t really know anyone but then they found that the people at the church were very kind and that everyone was really nice.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

When people feel like other people care about them it really boosts their confidence and when your confidence is higher the more power you feel you have to make a difference.


My name is Hudson. I am interested in the topic of refugees because it's a problem that is very relevant right now. This topic is important because with Donald Trump in office the USA is taking in very few refugees. 


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