Name: Stella
Social Justice Group: Women and Education
Date of Fieldwork: December 13, 2017
Name of Organization: WEP
Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Danielle Fazzolari (Director of Strategic Projects)
Type of Fieldwork: Interview
What I did:
We went to the WEP, Women’s Education Project, offices and interviewed Danielle Fazzolari who has worked with the organization for around a year and a half. She told us about the work they do in India and how they help women there.
What I learned:
I learned about the centers that the WEP have in India that help to women feel more comfortable and safe in their homes or communities. Even though Danielle doesn’t do much work in India she knew a lot about what happens there and was able to tell us a lot. They help women find leaders in themselves and install confidence into the women who think they are lesser than men. I also learned about how the WEP kind of provides a second home to these girls. Women are able to get jobs or support in the centers after they graduate.
What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:
Through this fieldwork I learned that it isn’t just as easy as building a school in these developing countries but you also have to provide the support that these girls aren’t getting from home. Its easy to give a girl money to go to school but you also have to show her care and encouragement. I also learned that it’s hard to change tradition and a mindset. The people who live in these countries think that women shouldn’t go to school because it’s all they’ve been taught. It’s very hard to change the mindset of a whole country or religion so a there is a lot of work there.