Visiting With and Delivering Food to the Elderly of New York City

Name: Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum

Social Justice Group: The Rights of the Elderly

Date of Fieldwork: November 15, 2017

Name of Organization: Meals on Wheels

Person (people) with whom I met and their job titles: Different seniors whom we delivered the food to.

Type of Fieldwork: Direct Action

What I did:

My group (Dora, Liam and I) went with Dora’s parents (as our chaperones), to deliver food to seniors who are unable to go out and buy food for themselves. We delivered one of the twelve emergency packages that they deliver each month. This emergency package is filled with “shelf life food”. We delivered four of the five given to us, and since the other one didn’t have anywhere to go, we brought it back to school.

What I learned:

We learned, how helpful it is that organizations like Meals On Wheels (and it’s associates) are. We learned why Meals On Wheels was created, what it does for the elderly, and what it does for other organizations.

What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:

Through the fieldwork, we met a couple of different people and talked with them. We met with a employee at Meals On Wheels, who organizes the volunteers. He told us exactly what he does, how he does it, and why he does it. We learned, in a briefing, exactly what Meals On Wheels does. When on our rounds, one particular woman stood out, Anne Keleman. We stayed at her house for around one-hour-and-forty-five-minutes. We learned lots and lots about her: how she survived the holocaust, what organizations she runs/founded, what holiday she started and a lot of other things about her. I borrowed a movie about her and I am currently watching it at home. All in all, this was a very interesting, fun, exciting and learning filled fieldwork!


My name is Benjamin. I am interested in the topic: Rights of The Elderly because most of us will become a senior in our lives, and we will want more rights; if we will want rights then, we should fight for them now, when we have a voice and a chance to. 


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