Meeting With Travis Ballie 1/26/17

On Thursday, January 26th, Travis Ballie, the Lead Organizer in the Field Department of NARAL, came to speak to us and our grade. NARAL is a women’s reproductive rights organization that is also known as Pro Choice America. NARAL lobbies Congress to convince elected representatives to support the right to choose, they also organize women and men to make sure that lawmakers hear from the pro-choice activists they represent. Travis Ballie is specifically a leader of programs that help build NARAL’s grassroots organizing capacity and membership. This means that Travis is out in the streets convincing people to support women and their reproductive rights. He has such an amazing job!

Travis made a huge presentation for us that was absolutely incredible. He had many diagrams and statistics that were very important and useful. There was one diagram that he presented that showed what states had some, a good amount, and full abortion access. I think it would be really helpful to include in our slideshow. Travis even told a personal story that really showed how limitless and important reproductive rights are.

I learned a lot from Travis. He talked a lot about the future and how we can make a change now. I thought that his view on reproductive rights is very innovative.

Overall, I thought that Travis was a fascinating man. His job is not easy, but from what I’ve heard, he’s killing the game. Travis told us how NARAL is working now to prevent deprivation of reproductive rights in the future.

Travis also gave us a handout that had a lot of facts that we are going to include in our Teach-In presentation.

In sum, Travis Ballie is an amazing guy. He was probably the most educational person we’ve met with so far. He puts his heart and soudl into what he believes, and delivers incredibly. We have been so honored to get to work with him.

This is the NARAL logo.

*image can be found at


My name is Georgia and I am in the Women's Reproductive Rights group because I believe that women have the right and choice to their own bodies. 

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