World Childhood Foundation 12/6/16

When we met with the Nicole Epps and Tessa Chermiset for the second time, they were very interested in learning more about our point of view on the topic of child abuse. They mentioned how great it was to have kids as young as we are, so dedicated and passionate about our subject. They wanted our help to figure out the best way to spread awareness to children. We discussed the possibility of making a video. We got back to school and interviewed a wide selection of different kids from different grades and asked them about what they knew about child abuse. They were very stunned at the question and struggled to find an answer. We weren’t surprised because kids aren’t educated on the subject of child abuse. This proves that child abuse is a subject that needs more discussion in schools. Some parents have disagreed, saying that our school is a very safe environment, and that it is offensive to bring up the subject of child abuse. However, 1-4 girls and 1-6 boys are victimized by child abuse before the age of 18. This means that there are many kids in our school that will, if not already, experience child abuse. And if they don’t know what to do in that kind of situation, that will be a problem.


My name is Rei, and I am studying child abuse for my social justice project. I chose this topic, because child abuse is a very hard issue to talk, and think about. And we may think that we are not part of it, but in reality, 1 in 4 girls, and 1 in 6 boys will be victimized by child abuse before the age of 18. And out of those children, 1 in 10 of their cases are reported. This means that at least one of your friends that you know and love, is victimized by child abuse. Together, we can work together to raise awareness, and help put an end to child abuse once and for all! 

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