Hoop Dreams

For our third social justice project we watched a movie called hoop dreams. We decided to each watch the movie on our own over winter break. It was very cool to see how two black families in poverty had a lot of things in common. They both didn’t have a lot of money, and they both had a son going into highschool who maybe had the chance to make it to the NBA. One of the kids was much bigger and stronger. His name was William Gates. The other kid was named Arthur Agee. They both went to the same high school, which was St. Joseph High School. Both of them were recruited by scouts. William started on varsity as a freshman, while Arthur was still on JV. The two teenagers both became good friends because they were so similar. Unfortunately, neither William or Arthur was actually drafted to the NBA in the end. William Gates did play at Marquette University for a little bit. Arthur became a priest at his local Church. That is what our focus is on for our project. Our project is to help communities in need, and that is exactly what people did in this movie. People donate money and their help to these kids because they really need it.

(This is a picture of the two main people in the movie named William Gates and Arthur Agee)


Jack S

My Social Justice Topic is Helping Communities in need through sports. I am mostly focusing on kids playing sports. The other people in my group are Aidhan and Lily. 

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