This is a Oyster Restoration station. Each station/cage was filled with oysters and other organisms.
On Monday, the fifth of December, my group and the other water pollution group went to Governor’s Island and got a tour of the Billion Oyster Projects facility and then we went out to count the oysters that were in the ORS (Oyster Restoration Stations). The tour was very interesting. We learned more about how the New York Harbor school works with the foundation all the time. They showed us live fish that were caught straight from the river so we could understand what lived in the river, they also showed us the diving program and told us what they did to help the reefs that were planted. After the tour, we went to the docks and lifted up the ORS. Their was 8 ORS and we counted all the alive oysters in side. The coolest part of that was finding the other organisms that used the oyster reefs as their homes. We found at least 30 crabs and 4 fish and a couple shrimp. There were also a ton a little organisms none that of us could figure out what they were.