In early December, Peggy Kern, the author of Little Peach arrives wearing a mostly green attire and tall boots, that stop right below her knees. Her auburn hair straightened under her green beanie. Her words start, describing a lifestyle that is unbearable. She tells us that most girls forced into prostitution live about seven years average after they enter the trade. They are treated horribly, and become addicted to drugs. Most of them end up with tattoos to identify them. She tells of the strong woman she’s met that have survived these horible circumstances. She talked about the girls she had met and their brutal stories of false endearment as well as a sense of family. She talked about how she did research for her book and planned it out. It really sunk in at that moment that sex trafficking is not just something you hear about on the news or in books its very real and a big problem because it wrecks people’s lives.

Peggy Kern talking to Eighth Grade class.